OurDreamsWillCome's avatar


Where we build our dreams!
Years Ago
487 Members

Welcome & Rules

Hi! This is the group (temp)

Monthly Theme

April Theme: HANDS

Your piece simply has to include depictions of hands, preferably as the focus, or in interesting poses.

[COMM] - Bust
Aster A Star enjoying the sunset

Submit your art to the monthly folder in the gallery.

The limit is at 1 piece per week, which ammounts to 4 entries a month.

Only 1 piece per artist will be featured at the end of the event.

Since these pieces are destined for a feature, some things to keep in mind:

  • no watermarks

  • traditional art must be well presented (no dark and blurry photos or poorly cropped pictures)

  • photography must be in focus (when applicable)

Please do not remove your art from the group to re-submit it to the monthly folder.

Art Share

Current theme: EYES

  • Share 1 piece from someone else (mandatory) and 1 from yourself (optional)

  • Pieces must be well presented for a feature (no watermarks, poor scans, etc)

  • The artists must have been active within the past month

Nobody's Fool

To participate , comment on the following journal:

Group Info

info here

  • Founded
  • 482 Members
  • 5 Admins
  • 89.2K Pageviews
  • Comments 613

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    I'm sorry but, when are you going to accept my request?

    Thanks a lot for your request :D

    I may have done something wrong in the submission process. During the process I didn't see any options for directing the piece to a specific folder; it's probable that it got submitted to the general folder, though I believe the artisan folder would be more appropriate. Sorry if this causes any bother.

    Alright, I tested it out myself.

    And indeed there is no folder option.

    I recommend going to the deviation page then using the "add to group" button, there you will have the folder choices!

    hi, yeah I saw that

    looks like ... something is wrong with DA, I had many odd submissions

    it's not great that they pushed a buggy version of the new groups on us

    it was very difficult to process deviations for me today =(

    PS: if you want me to see this comment, please tag me, as I get no notifications for group comments. You can also direct chat me.

    Thank you for the request Heart